A majority of Americans (59%) say they do not feel comfortable in their own skin. Common reasons for this include skin issues such as fine lines and wrinkles, as well as lack of confidence in their body image and other factors such as social media. A lack of self-esteem and confidence can have a major impact on people’s quality of life, impact their professional, romantic, and social pursuits.

For people looking to smooth, firm, and tone their skin, microneedling is a highly recommended cosmetic procedure. In this blog post, we will take a deep dive into everything you need to know about this popular treatment option, including how long does microneedling last.

If you are interested in microneedling in St. Petersburg, FL, your premier choice is always St. Pete Med Spa. Let’s get started with this look at microneedling and why you should consider it.

What Is Microneedling?

Microneedling, as noted above, is a cosmetic procedure designed to smooth, firm, and tone the skin. As the name suggests, it utilizes thin needling and is effective in reducing the appearance of skin concerns. These include wrinkles, stretch marks, and acne scars.

Generally, microneedling is performed purely for cosmetic purposes, though it can also be effective in treating certain medical conditions.

Through the use of thin needles, tiny holes are made in the top layer of the skin, which causes damage. This in turn works to stimulate the skin’s healing process, resulting in the production of more elastin and collagen. Both of these proteins are important for keeping the skin looking smooth and firm.

Microneedling is primarily performed on the face, though it can also be performed on other areas where there is aging or damaged skin. For example, it can also be performed on the neck, back, and legs. As we will highlight below, multiple treatments are typically required to achieve the desired results.

This treatment requires little to no downtime and is considered safe for most people (i.e. those in good overall health). As we will also highlight below, there are some minor side effects that patients may experience, though these are typically only temporary.

What Are the Common Target Areas?

The face, legs, back, and neck are common parts of the body for microneedling treatment. In terms of microneedling as a cosmetic procedure, it is a good treatment for people concerned with:

  • Wrinkles
  • Fine lines
  • Enlarged pores
  • Mild scars
  • Loose skin
  • Stretch marks
  • Skin discoloration

In addition, microneedling can help people with certain medical conditions, such as hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) and alopecia areata (hair loss resulting from an autoimmune disease).

If you are interested in microneedling treatment, it is recommended that you speak to a professional to discuss the best treatment plan based on your concerns, whether they relate to cosmetic or medical issues.

How Does Microneedling Work?

The main function of microneedling is to encourage the skin to make more collagen and elastin. Collagen’s main function in the body is to provide support, strength, and structure. Elastin’s main function is to provide elasticity, recoil, and stretch to the skin.

The tiny pinpricks caused during the microneedling procedure cause minor injury to the skin. In response to this, the skin makes new collagen- and elastin-rich tissue. As we age, it is normal for the body to lose collagen (this can also occur due to injury). Microneedling helps to make the skin firmer and more toned.

It may also be combined with other types of treatment, such as platelet-rich plasma and topical serums, for better results.

What Are the Benefits of Microneedling?

In recent years, microneedling has seen a rise in popularity and appeal. There are a number of reasons for this. Here is a breakdown of the main benefits of microneedling:

  • Reduce pore size
  • Reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines
  • Reduce the appearance of acne and other scars
  • Improve skin elasticity
  • Smooth uneven skin tone
  • Promote hair growth in people with alopecia
  • Reduce the appearance of stretch marks
  • Reduce the appearance of dark spots

In comparison to other treatment options such as laser therapy, microneedling is an affordable choice and may be more suitable for some people given that laser treatments can affect the skin’s pigmentation.

How Long Does Microneedling Last?

This is an important question for anyone who is considering microneedling. The results from microneedling will vary on a number of factors, including the specific treatment plan used, the location of the treatment, and the severity of the skin condition. 

Most people will require multiple microneedling treatments, which typically take place between three and eight weeks apart. It can take between three and six months to see results. In order to maintain the desired results, an annual procedure may be needed.

In terms of microneedling treatment for acne scars, there is research that shows mild improvement is possible in post-acne scarring after just two sessions. Moderate improvement in skin texture and good enhancement of the appearance of scars is typically seen after six sessions.

During our initial consultation, our team will advise on the recommended treatment plan for you depending on the above-mentioned factors. We will also answer any questions or queries you have about the procedure and how long the results will last.

How to Prepare for Microneedling?

Before your first treatment session, we will discuss with you the best way to prepare for your microneedling procedure. For example, people who take medications such as ibuprofen and Accutane (an acne medication) may need to stop taking these in advance of their first treatment session. We also recommend that patients refrain from using any agents that increase skin sensitivity.

In the two weeks before your treatment sessions, you should wear sunscreen on your face (or the targeted treatment area if it is exposed to the sun) when you are out and about. In the week before treatment, avoid waxing and shaving on the skin.

If you have any doubts about the procedure, don’t hesitate to consult with our team. Our goal is to ensure that you are fully comfortable and confident about every part of the treatment.

What Does the Procedure Look Like?

Prior to the commencement of the treatment session, we clean the treatment area of your skin and apply a numbing agent. This step is performed at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the procedure so that the numbing agent has time to work.

Using a pen-like tool that has sterilized needles, we then make the wounds in the skin, with needle lengths ranging from 0.5 millimeters to two millimeters. You may notice a scratching sensation or warmth during the session and there may be some discomfort depending on the target area. For example, if the needles are used near bony areas of the body, there may be some discomfort felt.

The treatment length will depend on the size of the area that needs treatment. Generally, it can last between 15 minutes and a couple of hours. To finish, a calming treatment or growth serum may be applied.

What to Do After the Procedure?

As we have noted above, microneedling is a minimally-invasive procedure that requires very little, if any, downtime. As soon as the treatment session is over, you are able to go home or return to work. 

In the days after a treatment session, it is normal to notice some redness and skin irritation. This is nothing to be worried about as it is a natural response to the wounds caused during the session. You should avoid applying makeup until the skin has had the chance to heal.

In the aftermath of treatment, your skin will be more sensitive to the sun, therefore you should remember to apply sunscreen before leaving home. That said, it is best to avoid direct sunlight for one week after treatment.

Given that microneedling works quickly to rejuvenate new tissue, results are generally visible within a few weeks. As mentioned, multiple treatments are typically required to maintain the results going forward.

Caring for Your Skin After Microneedling

There are a number of steps you can take following microneedling treatment to properly care for your skin. In the aftermath of treatment, your skin channels are open and therefore sensitive. Therefore, you should avoid using makeup and skin care products with retinol and alpha-hydroxy acids, sun exposure, and sweating during the first week after a session.

There are also a number of steps you can take to help your skin to heal after a treatment session. These include using collagen-stimulating peptides, a cooling mask, an antioxidant serum, and staying properly hydrated. Adults should aim to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day.

What Is the Average Cost of Microneedling?

Here at St. Pete Med Spa, we believe in offering affordable and quality treatment to all of our patients. Our custom microneedling treatment costs just $185.

We also offer microneedling with platelet-rich plasma for $399 (or $1,099 for a series of three treatment sessions). Combining microneedling with platelet-rich plasma helps to make the treatment more effective. 

What Are the Risks of Microneedling?

The good news is that microneeding is a safe and effective treatment option. However, as with all types of cosmetic procedures, it does carry some risks which you should be aware of. The most common side effects of microneedling are minor skin irritation and redness, which can last for a few days.

There are a number of other side effects that, should you should experience, require medical attention. These include peeling, bleeding, infection, and bruising.

Note that not everyone may be an ideal candidate for microneedling treatment. For example, it may not be suitable for people with certain skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis.

Additionally, people with a history of skin scars, who have recently undergone radiation therapy, or who have active acne/open wounds may not be good candidates for microneedling.

A pregnant woman should seek clearance from their gynecologist before commencing treatment. Please consult with our team if you are unsure about your suitability for microneedling.

Microneedling Vs. Home Rolling

Microneedling is a professional treatment that is performed by experts with specific training and experience. For people who wish to save money, there is the option of opting for home derma rollers instead. However, the reality is that this option is not as effective as professional microneeding and will not realize the same quality of results.

During professional microneedling, the punctures are designed to induce skin rejuvenation. Home rollers do not puncture the skin layers as deeply, so while they may cause less discomfort, they are not as effective and do not achieve the same long-term results. If you do opt to use derma rollers at home, more frequent treatment is required to maintain the results.

A Look Into the Microneedling Process

As this blog post on how long does microneedling last, the bottom line is that microneedling is a safe and effective treatment option for people who would like to improve the appearance and tone of their skin.

People with wrinkles, scarring, large pores, dark spots, stretch marks, and other cosmetic issues can benefit greatly from microneedling. People with alopecia can also benefit from microneedling, with research indicating that it can effectively promote hair growth.

Here in St. Petersburg, FL, we are your leading choice for professional microneedling treatment. We offer both custom microneedling and microneedling combined with platelet-rich plasma.

To learn more and to book an appointment, simply contact our expert and friendly team today. Click here to contact us. We look forward to speaking with you.

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