Get Fuller, Thicker Hair With PRP Hair Restoration

A series of PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) injections into the scalp are used in PRP hair restoration, which has been clinically shown to revive deficient hair follicles. This rejuvenation procedure can promote hair growth, thicken and strengthen your hair, and accelerate the regrowth of thinning hair. Plasma from the patient's own blood is drawn, separated using a spinner, and then injected into the scalp as part of the treatment.


Reverse hair loss with PRP hair restoration in St. Pete.

Recovery from PRP injections for hair or hair restoration often takes three to four weeks. Age, genetics, environmental circumstances, lifestyle decisions, and any concurrent hair treatments are just a few of the variables that affect how quickly PRP hair treatments recover.

For effective PRP hair treatment outcomes, you must finish a course of four to six treatments, and new hair growth will last for roughly 18 to 24 months. PRP is not permanent, so touch-up procedures are suggested once a year.

Avoid consuming blood thinners, blood-thinning medications, and vitamins and nutritional supplements that contain these blood-thinning chemicals at least a week (or better yet, two weeks) prior to your treatment. Talk to your doctor if you have a prescription that requires it because you might not be eligible for PRP. Avoid getting your hair colored or styled at least a week before your treatment. You may get adverse effects later on as a result of this.

At least three days before your therapy, abstain from smoking and consuming any alcoholic beverages. Alcohol thins the blood and can increase the sensitivity of microneedling and injections on the scalp. It can also make the blood draw process more painful. At least seven days before the treatment, avoid being in the sun for too long. This may cause your hair and scalp’s natural oils to dry out, causing it to become dry and brittle.

If you start noticing hair loss, PRP hair restoration can be an excellent choice. This treatment can:

  • Stimulate more hair growth
  • Improve hair density
  • Be safe and non-invasive
  • Offer a quick recovery

Contact us today for PRP hair restoration in St. Pete.

Step 1: Initial Consultation 

During your consultation, we’ll review your desired results and determine if PRP hair restoration is the right choice. 

Step 2: The Treatment

We start by drawing your blood. Then we use a PRP kit to separate your plasma cells before injecting them into your scalp to promote hair restoration.  

Step 3: Healing

As you heal, the plasma will help promote hair growth by increasing the blood supply to the hair follicles, leaving you with thicker hair. 

At St. Pete Wellness Med Spa, we offer affordable rates on all our services. Contact us today for current pricing. 

If you notice hair loss, our PRP hair restoration treatment in St. Pete can help. Call today for a consultation. 


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111 2nd Ave NE, Suite 1405 St. Petersburg, FL 33701

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Mon-Thurs: 8:30am-7pm
Fri: 8:30am - 5pm
Sat: 10am-2pm


Phone: +1 727-873-0500

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