It’s no secret that our confidence stems from our appearance. If we don’t look our best, we often don’t feel our best. Unfortunately, some issues aren’t able to be fixed by changing your hairstyle or revamping your wardrobe.

Vaginal rejuvenation can go a long way toward helping you feel more comfortable with your body, but not everybody understands how much they can expect to pay.

We’ve created a brief guide that has key information about the cost of vaginal rejuvenation and the factors that influence it. Let’s explore what you should keep in mind when moving forward.

The Surgeon You Choose

Surgeons with better reputations will often be far more expensive. The more experience they have, the more you can expect to pay. However, well-known surgeons aren’t always the best choice for your needs.

There’s a chance they’re only notable due to the amount of money they’ve invested in their marketing. Surgeons that have been practicing for at least a decade are often the most expensive. They’ve often perfected their craft and can leverage this capability to charge more for their services.

Insurance Coverage

It’s important to note that most insurance plans don’t cover vaginal rejuvenation. This is because this procedure isn’t always a medical necessity.

Instead, people pursue it for cosmetic reasons. However, there are a handful of exceptions that can allow you to leverage your insurance policy.

These include physical trauma or birth-related injuries. Depending on your insurance provider, the percentage they will cover will vary. Even partial coverage can save you thousands of dollars, though.

Geographic Location

Some locations are more expensive than others. Cities like Los Angeles and Atlanta will cost far more than rural towns in the Midwest.

If the closest surgeon is out of your price range, consider looking for options in other areas. There’s a good chance you can significantly reduce the amount you pay for their services.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that you shouldn’t sacrifice quality when looking to reduce procedure costs. If possible, find a surgeon of comparable skill.

How Extensive the Procedure Is

Patients who require extensive procedures should anticipate higher costs. For instance, someone who has significant physical trauma to this area of their body will pay more for their vaginal rejuvenation treatment. In contrast, minor procedures won’t be nearly as expensive.

Some vaginal rejuvenation surgeries will require multiple sessions, something that can add to the cost substantially. Extra sessions require additional preparation.

Type of Procedure

Many people overlook that there are multiple different types of vaginal rejuvenation surgery. Some are more expensive than others, and understanding this fact will help you anticipate the costs. Let’s explore this in detail below.


This reshapes or resizes the labia of the vagina. Many women also want to change the shape of this part of their body. Labiaplasties are less invasive than many other types of vaginal rejuvenation procedures.


It’s not uncommon for women who give birth to schedule vaginoplasties. This tightens and repairs the vaginal canal. While it’s not always necessary, it can lead to quality of life improvements.


Reshaping the external genitalia is the primary focus of this surgery. Similar to a labiaplasty, it’s not overly invasive and is often pursued for cosmetic reasons. Due to this, it’s also one of the less expensive surgeries

Clitoral Hood Reduction

Some women have extra tissue that covers the clitoris. Not only can this lead to self-image issues, but it can also interfere with sexual activity. A clitoral hood reduction is a simple surgery on this list.

CO2 Laser Treatment

Not all vaginal rejuvenation procedures require surgery. Lasers are used to heat the upper layers of vaginal tissue, causing the lower layer to produce more collagen. Over time, the skin will become firmer and tighter.

Radio Frequency (RF) Treatment

This procedure uses electromagnetic waves to heat vaginal tissue. This boosts blood flow to this region of the body. By extension, it also improves collagen production.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

PRP therapy involves acquiring platelet-rich plasma from the patient’s own blood. It’s then injected into the appropriate vaginal tissue to boost sensitivity and blood flow. Tissue regeneration is another benefit of this procedure.

What Is the Cost of Vaginal Rejuvenation?

There’s no universal answer to this question, as it will depend on the factors listed above. In general, though, you can expect to pay at least a few thousand dollars. The amount you spend will increase if you need a large amount of work done or choose a high-profile surgeon.

The amount you spend will cover more than the surgery, though. It also goes toward anesthesia fees, facility fees, post-operative appointments, and blood work. Keep this in mind when moving forward.

Benefits of Vaginal Rejuvenation

There’s no shortage of benefits of vaginal rejuvenation. Understanding them can help you recognize when you should pursue this procedure. Listed below are some of the most notable.

Addresses Vaginal Dryness

Excessive vaginal dryness can be uncomfortable and make sex painful. As you can assume, this can lead to issues with romantic relationships.

Vaginal dryness affects millions of women and is often caused by a decrease in estrogen. In this scenario, vagina tissue also becomes thinner and more sensitive.

Handle Incontinence

The tissue loss that comes with aging can lead to urinary incontinence. Problems like these can be embarrassing and inconvenient to deal with. Vaginal rejuvenation surgery will strengthen vaginal tissue and support your bladder and urethra.

Resolve Painful Sex

As previously mentioned, vaginal dryness can cause sex to be painful. However, a person’s natural anatomy or physical trauma can cause similar issues.

A vaginal rejuvenation procedure can resolve these problems and make your sex life far more enjoyable. Keep in mind that painful sex isn’t something that only older women experience. It’s not uncommon for young women to have issues with pain during sex that vaginal rejuvenation could address.

Avoid Using Hormones

Many vaginal issues can be resolved by taking exogenous hormones, but that doesn’t mean this is the ideal course of action. This treatment option comes with many potential consequences. These include:

  • Breast pain/tenderness
  • Dizziness Nervousness
  • Hair loss
  • Unwanted hair growth
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Swollen labia

Problems like these can lead to greater issues than you started with.


Many people imagine vaginal rejuvenation as an extensive, invasive surgery. In practice, it often only takes a few minutes.

This is especially true for procedures that use lasers. Patients often book multiple short appointments to minimize the impact each one has on their bodies.

Enhanced Appearance

There might not be an issue with your vagina’s function, but it may not look the way you want it to. Fortunately, vaginal rejuvenation can easily handle this issue. Surgeries that are meant to improve aesthetic appeal are often less extensive, as well.

Potential Complications

No surgery is without potential side effects. Knowing beforehand will help you handle contingencies that arise. Let’s explore them below.


Experiencing general pain in the vaginal area after your surgery isn’t uncommon. However, intense or extended pain isn’t a regular occurrence.

If you find it difficult to complete daily tasks or pain medication doesn’t help, seek medical help as soon as possible. These could be symptoms of a much larger underlying issue.


Properly caring for the surgery area shouldn’t cause issues, but mild bleeding can occur during your daily routine. This scenario is more common if your procedure covers a large surface area. If your bleeding won’t subside, you should address this problem immediately.


Disinfecting the surgery site will prevent infection in most circumstances. Many doctors prescribe antiseptic ointment for this purpose.

If infection does occur, it will often lead to substantial issues if not addressed. Signs of infection include fever, swelling, pain, and chills.


Inexperienced surgeons can inadvertently cause scarring in the surgical area. In severe cases, the scar tissue that builds up can make sex difficult or painful. Always look at past examples of the surgeon’s work beforehand.

Painful Sex

There’s a slim chance that this procedure could lead to painful sex in the future. Keep in mind this is atypical and is often a reflection of the surgeon’s capabilities. Finding a reputable professional will help you avoid problems like these.

In some cases, though, painful sex will only last for the duration of the recovery process. Everything should be back to normal within a few weeks/months after the healing process.

Finding a Doctor

To get the best results during the vaginal rejuvenation process, it’s imperative to find the right doctor for vaginal care. This will help ensure you get the results you desire. You can start by searching online for what other people have to say about their reputation.

This will provide valuable insight into what you can expect. Pay attention to how they respond to negative feedback, though. It’s best to avoid clinics that get defensive or aggressive toward negative feedback.

There’s a good chance you’ll encounter similar behavior if you have an issue with their services. What’s their pricing structure like? Do their rates seem reasonable compared to the other clinics you’ve researched?

You often get what you pay for, so it’s never recommended to go with the cheapest option. However, you don’t have to spend as much money as possible. There’s a point of diminishing returns regarding what you spend.

Somewhere in the middle of the price range can help you meet your goal without overspending. Are they enthusiastic about helping you? The last thing you want is to work with a doctor who doesn’t seem to care about helping you reach your goals.

You can assess this attribute by paying attention to how many questions they ask about your needs. Ideally, they’ll want to learn as much as possible.

Their level of experience is also an important factor to consider for vaginal rejuvenation treatment. With enough due diligence, you shouldn’t have an issue finding the best choice.

The Recovery Process and Aftercare

To ensure everything goes smoothly after getting a vaginal rejuvenation, there are certain tips to keep in mind during recovery. You can expect to spend six to eight weeks recovering, but you can likely get back to your normal routine within a few days. Your doctor might encourage you to avoid strenuous activity for a few weeks, though.

Most patients will experience minor bruising, soreness, swelling, and tenderness. Mild discharge and bleeding are also common.

However, it’s worth noting that excessive amounts of either substance could be signs of a medical emergency. The same can be said about excessive pain and swelling. Your surgeon will provide info about proper aftercare.

The surgical care team will be available to answer questions or concerns you have, as well. You’ll likely need to apply ointment to incisions to prevent infection. The amount you use and application frequency will vary depending on the size of the surgery area.

It’s recommended to have your vaginal rejuvenation surgery as soon as possible after your menstrual cycle. This will expedite the healing process and help you avoid potential complications. It’s best to avoid having sex for around six to eight weeks once the procedure is complete.

Friction and pressure can reopen wounds. If complications arise, it’s best to get in touch with your doctor as soon as possible.

Procedure Candidacy

Almost anyone can be a candidate for vaginal rejuvenation. If you’re unhappy with your vagina’s function or appearance, you should consult with a medical professional to discuss your options. Vaginal rejuvenation goes a long way toward improving your mental health and confidence.

Approach This Surgery Carefully

The information in this guide will help ensure you understand the cost of vaginal rejuvenation. Just be sure to research the medical professional you choose.

St. Pete Wellness Med Spa prides itself on being a state-of-the-art facility with a wide variety of premier treatments. Our trained and experienced staff is dedicated to providing personalized care and attention to help ensure you get the results you desire.

These include Botox, vaginal rejuvenation, weight loss programs, and much more. You’ll learn more about how we can help when you schedule a consultation today.

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